The Bouquet (1915)

The girl gets a beautiful bouquet of flowers from her fiancé, who wants her to enjoy the fragrance because these flowers will be in their new home when they are married. The girl puts them in a vase and uses them for a table decoration. There is to be a party at her home that day and they are a very welcome ornament. Sweedie, the maid, also loves flowers, and when she sees them on the table, decides to put some greens in with them. She goes into the woods and picks nettles and puts them in with the flowers. When the guests arrive they all admire and smell the flowers. By the time they are ready to partake of the refreshments, their skin is stinging from contact with nettles. The fiancé comes and he gets it too. The girl's mother finds out Sweedie is responsible and calls the police. The policemen also get it and when last seen they are all running to try to get away from it.

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GenresComedy Short