The Saint and the Siwash (1912)

Joe Roberts, a fugitive from justice, bearing that stain that is irremovable, seeks the seclusion of the great north woods with his wife. They encounter a brutal squawman, Bill Weemer, who occupies his leisure in beating a Siwash girl. The wife intervenes and they take the girl with them. Then the sodden, drunken brute, intent on revenge and robbed of his prey, finds the haunting secret of Joe Roberts. In the interim the latter has been stricken by mountain fever and has been nursed back to health by his wife and the Indian girl. The brutal Weemer reappears upon the scene and demands money for keeping silence as to the whereabouts concerning the "man who is wanted," and proceeds to terrorize the Indian girl as of yore. The latter, however, has lost her fear and retaliates by shooting the bully. It turns out that Weemer is a noted horse thief, and that Joe Roberts was falsely accused of the crime, so all ends well with the sheriff in congratulation.

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
Marshall Stedman Director
William Slavens McNutt Writer
William Nicholas Selig Producer
Rex De Rosselli
Myrtle Stedman
Gladys Cuneo
Lester Cuneo