An Equine Hero (1912)

"Mabel and her sweetheart, Billy Cutler, living among the foothills of Colorado, have been in the habit of sending love notes to each other by Mabel's horse 'Doc.'" Pete, a half-breed, is also in love with Mabel. "One day Mabel's horse comes into Billy's corral with a note tied to its mane. Pete secures the note and, in his jealousy, refuses to give it up to Billy. Billy promptly knocks Pete down and takes the note away from him. Pete vows vengeance." "He gets the Indians at a nearby camp intoxicated and then tells them of his hatred for Billy. " The Indians and Billy have a fight and Billy is "left for dead while the red men carry Mabel to the ledge of a nearby canon, the only egress from which is a single log stretched across the abyss. "Doc" trails her to the canon, walks across the log, and, with his teeth, unties the captive girl's bonds. In the meantime Billy has recovered and has started for the canon with a sheriff's posse. The Indians, upon finding that Pete can furnish them with no more whiskey, make short work of him. Billy meets Mabel and "Doc" and there are general rejoicings.

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GenresShort Western