The Fickleness of Sweedie (1914)

Henry Bigger, a short fat fellow, and Danny Slimson, short but slim, are rivals for the hand of Sweedie. One day while Danny is peeking in the window at Sweedie, he sees her reading a letter and immediately takes it for granted that it is from Henry. Instead, it is a notice from the landlord requesting her to pay her rent. Sweedie rushes out to find Henry and while she is gone Danny steals into the room. When Sweedie and Henry return, Danny slides into a hole in the mattress for a hiding place. Sweedie then sews up the mattress unaware that it contains a man. After it is all mended, Henry and Sweedie are horror-stricken when the mattress starts to move. They call the police and all give chase. At the station when Danny is extracted from the mattress Sweedie falls into his arms.

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GenresComedy Short