Stanley in Darkest Africa (1915)

Having conquered the Bungangetas and destroyed their village, Stanley and his party move onward to find Ada, who has been kidnapped by Andrea and taken through the jungle to reach Andrea's home. Jack, Ada's sweetheart, becomes impatient at the slow progress, and hurries ahead. In the jungle a tiger separates Andrea and Ada. She takes refuge in the hollow of a giant tree trunk where she finds some lion cubs. As she fondles them the lioness approaches and plunges at Ada, who drops prone to the ground. Her presence of mind has saved her for the animal, mystified, stands over her for a moment and then returns to her cubs. Ada silently rolls into a creek running close by. Ada unsuspectingly walks into the camp of the Babusosses, a band of crocodile worshipers, while they are making the religious sacrifice of throwing their girl-babies to the crocodiles. She denounces the ceremony and as the headman tosses an infant form into the water. Ada swims after and rescues it. A giant monster of the deep makes its way toward Ada but Jack, who has just arrived on the scene, takes in the situation at a glance, and swimming to her aid brings her to the shore unharmed. The incident is witnessed from the distance by Andrea who, realizing in it an opportunity to gain possession of Ada. explains to the headman that the act is a desecration to the Babusosses idol, and incites them to punish the malefactors. Andrea holds a peculiar authority over the Babusosses. At his command they tie Jack to a stake and send for a witch-doctor to marry Andrea and Ada. Preparations for the ceremony are well underway when native scouts report the approach of Stanley. The active force is divided into sections to meet the invaders. A pitched battle follows. Stanley's party is compelled to retreat and Stanley is captured. Ada and Jack escape, however. Not to be thwarted Andrea, now the spokesman for the victors, sends word to Ada that he will release Stanley if she will surrender herself to him. reminding her that Stanley has done so much to help her that she should not deny him. He adds unless she consents he will kill Stanley. The party is at its wits end at this news. Proceeding further in order to be out of the range of the Babusosses and to formulate plans for regaining Stanley, they meet Livingston. The forces of the two parties united, an attack is made upon Andrea with the result that the Babusosses are overwhelmingly Stanley and Livingston and Jack are united, and all the expedition turned into success.

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Summary Details
GenresShort Thriller
Jack Bonavita Director
Frank Montgomery Director
David Horsley Producer
Roy Watson
Stephen Batty
Conrad Tietze
Charles Gay