On Their Wedding Eve (1913)

On the very eve of their wedding. Edna Morvell and George Kendrick quarrel and, very much peeved, separate from each other. To satisfy their imaginary wrongs, Edna goes to her room and George hurries home, where they tear up each other's love letters. In foraging over these treasured missives, she comes across George's photograph, which she is about to destroy, but instead, places tenderly in the bosom of her dress. George happens to see her picture and he lovingly places it in the breast pocket of his coat. To forget each other they decide to go abroad, each taking a different route. All through their travels, in Japan. China, Egypt and Italy, amid all the strange surroundings of these strange countries, they carry each other's photograph. They are frequently reminded of each other and cannot refrain from thinking of how foolish they were, gazing affectionately upon the picture which each dearly admires. They both visit Bombay at the same time, and saunter off into the beautiful gardens of that East Indian paradise. They take different paths, which conjoin at the end of a beautiful grove. They are seen sauntering along the separate walks, looking wistfully at the photographs. At the termination of the two lanes they suddenly come face to face with a bump. Their surprise is mutual and it is some moments before either can speak to the other. When they recover themselves, they both see their photographs in their hands. No explanations are necessary to understand their feelings toward each other. Then and there they immediately confess their differences as childish pique, which is soon kissed away in each others' embrace. Their wedding day is not far off.

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GenresComedy Short