Unto Herself Alone (1915)

Out from the chaos of unreasoning desire, not from the blackness of selfish interest, came the Law Giver, and wrote in the Book of Ages so that all men could read, "Thou Shalt Not " and man took up the cry and sent it ringing down the centuries, and as he was given to see more clearly, the words took an increased force, until they became the inflexible dictum of an uncompromising society. Alicia Knight saw the words and laughed. Felix Lynn saw them and shut tight his eyes. Pledged by the law of man to another, he knew the price of his deception. Caught in the irresistible whirlpool of his passion, he followed a force that was older than mankind. Then came the dawn, and with it the knowledge of his offense in all its hideous nakedness. She cared not. She had tasted of Life, and the draught was still sweet on her lips. Once again she was ready to jeer and snap her fingers in the face of Convention. But her arm dropped even as it was raised, for between her and her contempt for things as they are came the sickening realization that he was already wed. For the first time in her life she knew the cost of flouting those terrible words, "Thou Shalt Not," and all the force of her rebellious spirit was turned against the man who had wittingly brought her face to face with Reality. Day after day she dogged his footsteps, go where he might, and ever as he turned he looked fearfully into those eyes of dreadful accusation. Her desire for payment knew no satiety until her relentless persecution had driven him to hopeless insanity, then, all too late, she knew deep within her that she loved him dearly. Who Pays?

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GenresDrama Short