The Trail of Gold (1912)

Mary, a young western girl, lived with her old grandfather, who was fast failing in health. In fact the young doctor, Mary's sweetheart, stated that a sudden shock would cause the old gentleman to pass away and he must be kept quiet. During one of the doctor's visits, the grandfather disclosed the hiding place of two bags of gold dust, which he said would become the property of the young couple. From the window, Tony, a Mexican, overheard the conversation and determined to secure possession of the treasure. As the doctor started from the room, the grandfather was taken with a severe pain in the head. The doctor returned and placing medicine upon his handkerchief, gently adjusted the bandage over the invalid's forehead. In the dead of night Tony entered the house and took the gold. As he was leaving the old man saw him and endeavored to interfere. The Mexican fled, however, and in his death struggle the grandfather dislodged the handkerchief and thrust it into his mouth. In his flight Tony stumbled and tore a hole in one of the sacks. He did not notice that a fine trail of gold dust was left behind him. Next day Mary discovered the robbery and was horrified to find that her grandfather had passed away. The sheriff and his men were summoned and Tony, who joined the group, was the first to call attention to the doctor's handkerchief, which had apparently gagged the old man. The doctor was arrested, despite Mary's protests. As Mary returned home, broken-hearted, after an ineffectual appeal to the officers, she discovered a scattering of gold dust in the road. She followed the trail to Tony's shack and found him in the act of hiding the stolen mineral. Hastening to the jail, Mary secured the aid of the officials. The cowardly Mexican was brought to prison and the abused doctor was liberated.

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GenresShort Western