McBride's Bride (1914)

Mrs. Highbrow is a candidate for the office of police magistrate in Birdville, a town where equal suffrage prevails. McBride, a young dentist, incurs the enmity of the woman when he declines to come to the aid of her cause. The dentist later meets Helen, Mrs. Highbrow's daughter, and promptly falls in love with her. But the mother frowns upon his suit and orders him off her premises. Undaunted, the lovers secure a marriage license and plan to elope that night. At ten o'clock, McBride ascends a ladder to the window of his beloved. Impish Fate causes Mrs. Highbrow to gaze out of her window and she discovers the imitation Romeo. Mistaking him for a burglar, she shouts for help. McBride falls off the ladder in fright, landing in the arms of a policeman. The lover is arrested and yanked off to the lock-up. Mrs. Highbrow, as magistrate, tries McBride the following morning. The proceedings are disturbed when Helen rushes into the court room and throws her arms about her lover. Mrs. Highbrow orders Jack returned to the cell. Helen refuses to he separated from him and the jailer is compelled to place them both in the cell. Billy News, a reporter friend of McBride's, hits upon a plan to assist the lovers. Hastening to the home of a minister, he drags the dominie to the jail. While Mrs. Highbrow is trying another case, McBride and his bride are married. Shortly afterwards, the police magistrate summons McBride before her. Just as she is about to pronounce sentence, she discovers that the trembling culprit is now her son-in-law. Realizing she has been outwitted, Mrs. Highbrow suspends McBride's sentence and gives the young couple her blessing.

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