The Hobo and the Myth (1913)

Bill interrupts a dress rehearsal in a wooded section, being held by several society girls who are to give classical dances at an entertainment. The girls hit upon the idea of having Bill portray the role of the mythical Pan at the entertainment. Bill is entirely satisfied, especially so as the girls dress him in good clothes in order that he look the part of a gentleman. The entertainment comes 'round, and Bill, introduced as "Professor Hobo," makes a hit with the guests. He gets into his Pan costume when he notices a bowl containing champagne punch. Before long Bill is under the weather, and just before the dance commences starts a fight. He is chased out of the house, down the street and into a freight yard just as the freight trains pulls out. Bill hops into a box car and escapes his pursuers. Waving good-bye, Bill reclines on the floor and pipes himself a tune on the pipe of Pan.

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Summary Details
Running Time9 min
GenresComedy Short