The Teacher at Rockville (1913)

Alexander Morton, nicknamed Sandy, has been infatuated with an uneducated young woman, Kate Clayton. He becomes tired of her and they separate, and Kate, who is fond of Sandy, never lets him know that he is the father of her child, Tommy, who was born several months after the separation. Years pass and Sandy becomes a drunkard. Into his life at this period comes Miss Mary, a schoolteacher. She first sees Sandy in a drunken stupor, his face upturned to the sun. As she is placing his hat over his face, he arouses, and her evident disgust causes him to feel a sense of shame at his condition. He tries to improve his appearance and an awakened ambition causes him to look for and secure a position on a ranch. Learning of her fondness for wild flowers, Sandy frequently takes a bunch of them to the schoolhouse. At the end of the term Miss Mary arranges a picnic for the children and Sandy assists her in making the day enjoyable. By this time his devotion has won the heart of the school teacher. On the last day of the school term Kate learns of Mary's intentions of going back east on a visit. She realizes how unfit she is to continue the bringing up of Tommy, and knows that in a short time he must learn the truth concerning his parentage. Kate tells Mary that Sandy is the boy's father and has never known it. Mary is heartbroken, but promises to take his child. Mary and Tommy leave by the stagecoach, she having left no word of farewell for Sandy. He sees the coach depart and runs to where he can watch its disappearance. Mary catches sight of him, and asking the driver to stop the coach, she sends Tommy up the embankment to pick some flowers. He does so and as the stage resumes its journey, Mary kisses one of them and throws it out of the window. Sandy seeing it, picks it up and brings it to his lips with a full realization of the price he must pay for the folly of his youth, and that Mary is lost to him forever.

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
Francis J. Grandon Director
Wallace Clifton Writer
Siegmund Lubin Producer
Clara Williams
Edgar Jones
Emma Bell Clifton
John Ince