Solarmax (2000)

Solarmax is a 40-minute giant-screen documentary that tells the story of humankind's struggle to understand the sun. The film will take audiences on an incredible voyage from pre-history to the leading edge of today's contemporary solar science.

All Releases

Domestic (100%)
International ()
Summary Details
Domestic DistributorHeliograph Productions
Earliest Release DateSeptember 15, 2000 (Domestic)
Running Time40 min
GenresDocumentary Short

By Release

Release GroupRolloutMarketsDomesticInternationalWorldwide
Original ReleaseSeptember 15, 2000Domestic$13,400,161$13,400,161
2004 Re-releaseMarch 18, 2004Australia$3,276$3,276

By Region

Domestic# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank
APAC# ReleasesLifetime GrossRank