Fires of Fate (1911)

During the early Christian era, Calchas meets Ione, one of the Vestal Virgins whose lives were devoted to keeping the fires perpetually burning upon the altar erected to the gods. Calchas, who is now a Christian, a man of strong physique and attractive appearance, sees Ione, now a beautiful young woman, serving at the altar of the heathen gods. He cannot resist the temptation of speaking to her and pledging anew the love of his boyhood, the penalty for which means death to the one addressing a Vestal Virgin and to the virgin who dares to speak to a man, excepting a priest of the temple. While in a furtive conversation with Calchas, Ione lets the fire upon the altar die out, notwithstanding she has been warned by the fates of the consequences. When the people discover that the eternal fire has gone out, they clamor for the death of Ione, whose duty it was to keep it alive. Calchas comes to the rescue of Ione, is apprehended and the two young people are thrown into a dungeon to await the sentence which has been imposed upon them. With great ceremony the temple fires are rekindled and the High Priest with the people go to the prison to carry out the fulfillment of the judgment of the gods. The prisoners having called upon the God of the Christians to save them, escape by digging their way from one cell to the other, removing a stone from the floor of the cell and dropping into a subterranean passage which leads to the edge of a lake, where they find a boat, in which they escape beyond the reach of the howling, superstitions and vengeful mob of pursuers. Ione and Calchas attribute their freedom, in thanksgiving, to the one and only God.

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GenresDrama Short
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