A Horseshoe -- for Luck (1914)

Strolling along a suburban road, Sidney Edwards picks up a horseshoe, for luck. His luck begins immediately but it is hardly good luck. He is run over by an automobile, upsets a baby perambulator and gets into an awful row with the bystanders. At home, he and his wife stand arguing so long, the cooking burns and the cat runs off with the roast chicken. Finding his son starting a sliding pond on the hardwood parlor floor, Edwards leans on the mantelpiece and severely reprimands him. The rug slips from under father's feet and, his weight proving too much for the shelf, its contents, with Edwards, crash to the floor. Later, he angrily throws the iron shoe outdoors, it lands on a policeman's neck, and Edwards comes near being arrested for assaulting an officer. His son quietly borrows the horseshoe and then persuades Edwards, Senior, to attend his school Athletic Contest. Pa gets into more trouble and almost precipitates a riot. Then the star bout is announced, "Young Edwards" against "Toughey James," a youth of about twice Edwards' size. Everyone except Pa cheers wildly for "Toughey," the favorite, and the bout is on. Young Edwards is getting very much the worst of it until just before time is called, then he manages to land one stiff jolt on his opponent's jaw. The result is amazing. The big fellow is actually knocked out, even while still on his feet, then flops over on the floor, where he is counted out. In telling his family afterwards of the boy's contest, Edwards, Senior, becomes suspicious of the shape of one of the gloves, investigates, and from inside the glove pulls out the horseshoe.

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Summary Details
GenresComedy Short
Sidney Drew Director
Charles Brown Writer
Sidney Drew
Kate Price
Paul Kelly
Mary Anderson