Jack Spurlock, Prodigal (1918)

Jack Spurlock's college escapades, which include a particularly raucous incident involving a bear, finally get him expelled, and his father, John Spurlock, Sr., compels him to go to work in the family's wholesale grocery business. The eager young man inexplicably purchases a huge surplus of onions and then supports the onion workers when they go on strike. After Spurlock, Sr. finally agrees to recognize the Onion Workers' Union, he fires his son and cuts off his allowance. Jack is forced to work as a waiter until his sweetheart, Anita Grey, introduces him to Professor Jackson, who has patented a health tonic made chiefly from onions. The publicity attending the Onion Workers' strike results in a huge demand for Jackson's tonic. In order to produce more of the cure-all, Jack purchases his father's onion surplus, thus redeeming his place in Spurlock, Sr.'s good graces.

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Running Time1 hr