The Shop Girl (1916)

Peter is smitten with Winifred, a model, whom he met on board the steamer returning from Europe, but is discouraged by his sister, Ena, who is more ambitious for him. Peter is the son of Peter Rolls, the wealthy New Yorker. Ena tells Winifred that Peter is engaged to Eileen, sister of Lord Ravglan and that he is just trifling with her. Winifred believes her and refuses to speak to him. Before disembarking, Ena gives Winifred a stylish gown which she bought in New York. Winifred is working in a stylish modiste's shop. One of the best customers insults her and she slaps his face. Mme. Nadine, the modiste, sees her action, and fearful of losing the customer, discharges her. She tries to get a position in the other shops, but in each case finds herself blacklisted by Madame Nadine. In sore straits, she moves to cheaper quarters. She meets Lily, a salesgirl in Roll's department store, and the former takes her to Megeison, the store manager to get her a position. The manager, at first says he has no opening, but when he sees what a handsome girl Winifred is, he employs her. Ena Rolls comes to the store to do some shopping, and sees Winifred against whom she harbors a dislike. She makes various remarks calculated to arouse Win's anger, and when Win resents them she complains to Megeison, who pretends to discharge her. When Ena leaves, he tells her that she may remain and transfers her to another department. Megeison arranges a party for that night at which Winifred, Lily, a floorwalker and himself are to be present. Megeison tells the floorwalker to escort the girls to the party, but to keep them ignorant of the fact that it is to be held at his house. Winifred dons the dress Ena gave her, the only decent gown she possesses. They start off, but when Winifred sees that she is being taken to his apartment she tries to back out, but she is persuaded to continue by Lily. Meanwhile, Peter in his hunt for Winifred, gets a clue which leads him to the department store. Here he learns that she has been discharged and is told that Megeison could give him her address. In Megeison's apartment, all drink except Winifred and after a while, she feels sheepish and drinks with them. She catches Megeison trying to "dope" her drink and denounces him. He catches her and tries to kiss her and a struggle follows in which her dress is badly torn, the pieces falling on the floor. She manages to elude him and escapes to another room where she locks herself in. Peter enters and asks for information about Winifred, but Megeison tells him that he knows nothing about her. Then the pieces of Winifred's dress catch his eye and he demands to know the truth. Megeison's valet, who went through another room to admit him, opens the door and Peter sees Winifred within. Winifred shrinks from Peter, thinking he is in league with Megeison, but when she realizes that he really loves her and has come to claim her for his own, she leaves misery behind, and goes with Peter, her suffering relieved in the knowledge of his devotion.

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Summary Details
Running Time50 min