The Fable of the Good Fairy with the Lorgnette and Why She Got It Good (1916)

Once Upon a Time there was a Broad Girl, who take it in the Morning when she showed up on the Level, looked like a Street just before they put on the Asphalt. She had the Red Corpuscles scared out of the 2x4 Midget known by Curtes as her Husband. The Down-Trodden Man has Her Sized all right, but Not being Strong enough to push her in front of a Trolley, or with the Nerve to get a Divorce, he stood for Everything. She decided to allow the Glory of her Presence to burst upon the Poor and Uncultured and show what a Real Lady was like. The Poor and Uncultured knew how to stand-off the Rent-Man and the Dog-Catcher; but when 235 pounds of Sunshine came wafting along the Street, they were up against a New Game. "Be sure you dress the Children in Sanitary underwear, you can get it for Four Dollars a Suit," she told the wives who supported Eight or Nine of them on what was left after the Old Man came home from the Corner with his Dollar Ten a Day. She would Duck and the Uplifted Mother would put a Nickel in the Can and rush Lizzie over to the Dutchman's. In this Manner the Benevolent Lady derived much Joy from the knowledge that it didn't Cost anything. One day a Scrappy Kid, whose Mother didn't have a Lorgnette spotted the Benevolent Lady telling his mother what a glorious Privilege it was to wash for a Living. The Kid and his Gang pelted her with Tomato Cans. She fled and told her Husband the Liquor Interests tried to murder her for reforming so many Drinkers. The Kid grew up into an Alderman, and bought his mother a Lorgnette, which she was afraid to wear. Moral: To Uplift, begin Underneath.

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GenresComedy Short