The Runt (1915)

Tom Reynolds is defrauding the Government, and Joe Wilson of the Internal Revenue, sends word to Tom to escape before he is arrested. He sends word to Tom through the mediumship of the Runt, the homely, down-trodden little scullion of the fisher village. The Runt, in her humble way. secretly loves Tom Reynolds. Bidding his beloved Edith Bates, a fond farewell. Tom leaves the village. Two years pass and Joe Wilson wins the love of Edith Bates, who has heard nothing from Tom, and they are engaged to be married. In the meantime, the Runt, who is abused by old man Bates, Edith's father, is taken in charge by Daddy Reynolds, who gives the poor girl a home. Together Daddy Reynolds and the Runt stand at the seashore and look across the vast expanse of water with longing in their eyes, wishing for the return of Tom. And one day Tom returns to the fishing village. He is seen by Jack Stark, who tells Joe Wilson, "If you do not arrest Tom Reynolds, I will." Tom goes to old man Bates' home to greet Edith. She tells him that she is to marry Joe Wilson. Heartbroken, Tom returns to the seashore. He sits upon a rock, in meditation. The cowardly Stark, fearful of Tom's physical prowess, is hiding behind a distant rock, levels a revolver at Tom and fires. At that instant, the Runt, who has followed Tom, springs into the path of the bullet and sacrifices her life for the man she loves. As life ebbs away the Runt whispers to Tom, asking him to kiss her before she crosses the Great Divide. He does so and then turns and sees Jack Stark. As Tom reaches for a stone, Stark again fires and Tom falls dying. He turns to the prostrate form of the Runt, who gave her life for him. He crawls to her side and with an arm thrown over the lifeless body of the Runt, his spirit too goes over Yonder and there, side by side, Daddy Reynolds, Joe Wilson and others of the fisher village find the lifeless bodies of Tom Reynolds and the Runt.

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