How Cissy Made Good (1914)

Aspiring scenarist Cissy submits a film script to the editor of "Motion Picture Magazine," but it is rejected. Feeling sorry for the impoverished writer, the editor offers her a chance to prove herself in another capacity by interviewing the leading actors and directors of the Vitagraph company. At their studios in Brooklyn, New York, she meets comedienne Flora Finch, who introduces her to the various celebrities. The victim of the stars' practical jokes, Cissy goes from mishap to mishap during her studio tour, which includes the dressing rooms, the costume department, and the camera section. In unwitting retaliation, Cissy bursts into the middle of a scene in progress, ruining 100 feet of film stock and infuriating the director. After she falls into a tank, Cissy is finally befriended by kind-hearted Mary Maurice, and her troubled tour is salvaged when the other stars, feeling guilty about their cruel tricks, write their own interviews for her. Cissy is offered a position on the magazine and faints with joy.

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GenresComedy Short