The Fable of the Highroller and the Buzzing Blondine (1915)

Bob was a hard worker. He watched the ticker every day. He would call on Friend Broker and buy a thousand shares of something or other. When he had a Tidy Profit he would sell. His money didn't cost him anything, so he could afford to Whiz it. Elphye was an actress, too busy to perform on the stage. Her parents had arranged for Elphye to be a brunette, but when Bob met her she was a lemon meringue. Elphye looked good to Bob at 11 P.M. At 2 A.M. he couldn't see anything else. After they had been old friends for two weeks. Bob showed Elphye his bank book and she promised to marry him some day if she could steal the time from her hairdressers. He played the market harder than ever and switched from bull to bear. He bet all he had on a falling market and the doctor found him with a raving fever. When Bob woke up Annie was there. She'd been there all the time, but Bob didn't know it. Bob thought he was broke, so Elyphe left and Annie fell into $230,000 which Bob had cleaned in his sleep.

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GenresComedy Short