Affinities (1915)

Frank Mitchell invites Alice Thomas, and Jack Thomas invites Mary Mitchell to go on an "affinity picnic," neither knowing of the other's scheme. Frank's party goes to one island in the lake; Jack's to another a mile away. Jack and Mary are left behind that night, and Jack swims to the other island for a boat. He gets one loaded with champagne intended for Frank's party. Frank and Alice discover the loss, jump into another boat and give chase, not knowing who their quarry is. Jack takes Mary aboard and dashes for the mainland, where they jump into an automobile. It was Mary's own car, but she doesn't know it. Her husband had used it. Frank takes Alice home. She is glad her husband hadn't returned. In the wee hours, Jack and Mary are arrested but Mary escapes. Her husband, trying to frame up some excuse for losing her machine is surprised when she climbs through a window. Meanwhile Alice worrying about Jack, decides to go over to Mary's, and arrives just as Mary is begging Frank's forgiveness. The police come with Jack and Frank is exposed. Jack goes to his knees before Alice and all agree matters are even.

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GenresDrama Short