When Women Go on the Warpath; or, Why Jonesville Went Dry (1913)

After the great suffrage parade in Jonesville, Deacon Josiah Pitts goes for a walk along the riverbank. Seeing some boys in swimming, he decides to do likewise--and has his clothes stolen. It is a very embarrassing position for him as he is leader of the "dry" party in the town, and if the other men ever heard of it he would be laughed to death. He is helped out of his trouble by Tom Arnold, who gets his clothes back for him. Tom is in love with Isobel Martin, who tells him that she will not marry him until Jonesville goes "dry." By way of helping on the good cause, Tom suggests that the women "corner" all the pants in town and that, on the night before the election, they shall "swipe" their husbands' nether garments. His plan is carried out successfully and the cellar of the suffrage club is filled with pants of all kinds before the dawn of the eventful day breaks. On Election morning, not a man has a pair of pants, with the exception of the election officers. How on earth can they vote? It certainly is a puzzle. 'Phone calls to the stores reveal the fact that all the pants in town have been bought out. There are no trousers to be had for love or money. Some of the men go out without them, wearing petticoats, bathrobes, and the like, and succeed, not in voting, but in getting arrested, A few of them catch the deacon on his way to the polls, and take his pants. While trying to get away from sight the poor man falls into a horse trough and gets soaked through. He goes to a drug store and asks for something to warm him. The druggist, who is serving behind the counter in his wife's kimono, giving him whiskey and making him gloriously drunk. When at last, dressed in a petticoat, he gets to the voting booth he votes "wet." As far as the "dry" party is concerned, the election is a success; the "wets" simply are not in it. Tom gets his heart's desire when Isobel promises to be his bride, while the men of the town have a busy time trying to get hold of suitable pants. The election over, there are "pants, pants, everywhere, but not a pant that fits."

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GenresComedy Short