Much Ado About Nothing (1913)

Pearl and Archibald are sweethearts. They call on Mr. and Mrs. Sneed, friends of Archie's. Archie is attentive to Mrs. Sneed and Pearl to make him jealous is attentive to Mr. Sneed. Archie and Pearl quarrel. Archie has Sneed intercede in his behalf, but to no avail. Meanwhile Pearl, lonesome and wishing to make up with Archie, writes him a note that she cannot live without him and asking him to call. Sneed calls again, trying to patch up the quarrel. He asks to borrow the book, when Pearl decides again not to give in to Archie, and forgets all about the letter which she put in the hook when Sneed called. Mrs. Sneed finds the letter and determines to investigate. Archie decides to call on Pearl and win her graces. Pearl calls up Sneed and asks him to call, making up her mind at last to let him bring her and Archie together again. Mrs. Sneed follows Sneed to her house and entering after her husband denounces them both. Just as the situation is getting strained, Archie enters and Pearl explains that the note was meant for him and after all make up, they decide that quarreling is useless and determine to all remain friends.

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GenresComedy Short