The Redemption of 'Greek Joe' (1912)

Jim Rossi, a young miner in the Big Drift Mine, is in love with Mike Noonan's daughter Mary. Noonan also works in the Big Drift. Mary returns Jim's love and would marry him, but old Mike objects because of Jim's father, "Greek Joe," whom he despises. Old "Greek Joe," at one time an honest, well-thought of, hard-working chemist, is now little more than a shiftless, drunken, ne'er-do-well. Jim tries time and again to brace up his "dad," but his efforts are of no avail. Mike and "Greek Joe" meet outside the mine one day and come almost to blows. After this episode Jim is barred from Mike's home. That incident serves to awaken in old "Greek Joe" all the latent manhood remaining, and he decides to brace up. The next day a terrific explosion occurs in the Big Drift Mine and when the toll is taken Jim and Mike are found to be imprisoned in the mine. The miners hunt for blasting explosives to blow away the obstruction which restrains the imprisoned men, but find it had been stolen. The situation is critical and all hope is abandoned for saving the two miners. Joe finally induces the officials to allow him to mix a chemical explosive and, with this, he blasts away the gigantic barrier. Mike forgets his stubbornness and the young couple find much happiness, not only in their own future, but in that of the redeemed "Greek Joe."

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Summary Details
GenresDrama Short
William V. Mong Director
William Nicholas Selig Producer
William V. Mong
Rex De Rosselli
William Stowell
Maude Potter