The Love Test (1912)

Robert Brandt and Lily Leslie, both young people of strong minds and ideas all their own, are informed by an old uncle they must marry each other in order to inherit $500,000. Neither having seen the other they both plan to get out of the matter and, when Brandt calls, Lily assumes the dress of her maid while the real maid plays "Lily.'' Of course the maid's manners and assumed airs soon sicken Brandt, and he finally makes his escape from the house after having fallen in love at first sight with the real Lily disguised as the "maid." Now Lily has also fallen in love with Brandt, and reads with genuine alarm the note that Brandt has left in order to escape, saying he has suddenly been taken ill and is going home immediately. At the house Brandt finds his chums and disgustedly tells them of his experience. Suddenly they see Lily and the dressed up maid drive up in an auto, and, thinking only to escape further attentions, Brandt stretches out on the bed while his pals whiten his face with powder and strew the sheet with flowers. Then, when Lily enters, they inform her Brandt is dead and blubber profusely in their handkerchiefs. Overcome with grief Lily kneels by the bedside and sobs out: "Oh, Robert, if you had only known. I am Lily Leslie, not the maid!" with which Robert suddenly comes to life in a hurry and Lily promptly faints in the nearest chair. Quickly she revived and, on making sure Brandt is really alive, confesses the scheme she played and he gathers her in his arms while his pals echo "I told you so!"

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GenresDrama Romance Short