Alias Billy Sargent (1912)

John Steele, a wholesale jeweler, is visited in his office by a Mr. William Sargent, representing himself to be a diamond broker, and a probable big customer. After examining Steele's stock of diamonds. Sargent says he will consider the purchase and make an appointment with him later. That night Sargent calls up Steele's home and leaves word with Mrs. Steele to have her husband meet him at the Arms Hotel at 8 o'clock. Steele returns a few minutes later with tickets for the opera and his wife forgets to give him the message, until after they have returned from the theater. The incident causes a serious breach between them until Mrs. Steele puts detectives on the trail of Sargent and learns a week later that the "diamond dealer" has been arrested and is about to serve a term in the penitentiary for big jewel robberies. Steele now realizes that instead of losing a big sale his wire, in all probability, has saved him from financial ruin.

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GenresDrama Short