A Cattle Rustler's Father (1911)

Jim Pritchard, the worthless son of a western ranchman, is appealed to by his father to mend his ways. One night Jim returns from the gambling hall in desperate straits. Attempting to steal money from his father's strong box, he is caught by the old man, who again begs him to reform. In spite of all this, Jim plans another crooked enterprise, that of cattle stealing. However, he fails and is tracked to his father's ranch. The outraged old gentleman, having given up all hope of making a man of the worthless moral wreck, turns him over to the sheriff and his posse. Not until then, however, does the boy realize how much the old man has suffered, when bitterly repentant he falls on his knees and begs his father's pardon. Then, with a lighter heart, he turns to pay the penalty of his crimes.

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GenresShort Western