Licorice Pizza

The story of Alana Kane and Gary Valentine growing up, running around and going through the treacherous navigation of first love in the San Fernando Valley, 1973.

Summary Details
DistributorUniversal Pictures International (UPI)
See full company information
Release DateFeb 25, 2022
Running Time2 hr 13 min
GenresComedy Drama Romance
In Release675 days/96 weeks
Widest Release5 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Mar 11-134$1,217-5-$243$10,2993
Mar 18-204$296-75.7%3-2$98$11,2014
Jul 8-105$286-2-$143$14,37320
Apr 15-171$534-1-$534$12,2158
Jan 6-84$441-1-$441$16,36446
Jun 3-56$336-1-$336$13,04715
May 6-82$161+34.2%1-$161$12,61011
Apr 29-May 13$120+361.5%1-$120$12,44910
Jul 29-315$119-1-$119$14,80623
Oct 14-166$49-1-$49$15,46234
Apr 22-245$26-95.1%1-$26$12,2419
Oct 21-236$14-71.4%1-$14$15,47635