Hold Your Fire

Brooklyn, 1973. Shu'aib Raheem tried to steal guns for self-defense, starting the longest hostage siege in NYPD history. NYPD psychologist Harvey Schlossberg fought to reform police use of violence and save lives by using words, not guns.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorIFC Films
See full company information
14 theaters
Release DateMay 20, 2022
Running Time1 hr 33 min
In Release226 days/32 weeks
Widest Release14 theaters
DateDOW RankDaily %± YD %± LW TheatersAvgTo DateDay
May 20Friday29$892--14$63$8921
May 21Saturday33$998+11.9%-14$71$1,8902
May 22Sunday29$1,151+15.3%-14$82$3,0413
May 23Monday27$574-50.1%-14$41$3,6154
May 24Tuesday30$391-31.9%-14$27$4,0065
May 25Wednesday34$450+15.1%-14$32$4,4566
May 26Thursday26$1,158+157.3%-14$82$5,6147