
Emma, a blind violinist who had recently undergone a revolutionary surgery, joins with a police detective to track a serial killer after she was an inadvertent witness to his latest crime.


Domestic (100%)
Summary Details
DistributorNew Line Cinema
See full company information
1,527 theaters
Release DateJan 28, 1994
Running Time1 hr 46 min
GenresCrime Drama Mystery Thriller
In Release338 days/48 weeks
Widest Release1,540 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Feb 18-2416$1,189,644-54.9%646-705$1,841$15,263,9694
Feb 11-1712$2,639,560-45.3%1,351-189$1,953$14,074,3253
Feb 4-108$4,826,689-27%1,540+13$3,134$11,434,7652
Jan 28-Feb 35$6,608,076-1,527-$4,327$6,608,0761