Richard Jewell

Security guard Richard Jewell is an instant hero after foiling a bomb attack at the 1996 Atlanta Olympics, but his life becomes a nightmare when the FBI leaks to the media that he is a suspect in the case.

Summary Details
6 theaters
Release DateJan 24, 2020
Running Time2 hr 11 min
GenresBiography Crime Drama
In Release343 days/49 weeks
Widest Release6 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Jan 24-2612$4,200-6-$700$4,2001
Jan 31-Feb 216$2,460-41.4%3-3$820$9,3322
Feb 7-923$832-66.2%1-2$832$11,4713
Feb 14-1625$629-24.4%1-$629$12,2904