The Alpinist

Marc-André Leclerc climbs alone, far from the limelight. The free-spirited 23-year-old makes some of the boldest solo ascents in history. With no cameras and no margin for error, Leclerc's approach is the essence of solo adventure.


Summary Details
DistributorMadman Entertainment
See full company information
24 theaters
Running Time1 hr 32 min
GenresBiography Documentary
Widest Release27 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Dec 2-5121$25-99.4%1-2$25$126,1309
Jan 27-3069$261-1-$261$129,78217
Dec 16-1963$470-1-$470$128,92711
Jan 6-950$488-1-$488$133,04614
Nov 25-2838$3,904-1.8%3-3$1,301$125,3378
Nov 4-730$6,171-9-$685$108,2395
Nov 18-2127$3,974-6-$662$117,2357
Oct 14-1723$12,587+15%27+3$466$69,2282
Oct 7-1022$10,947-24-$456$50,9891
Oct 21-2419$14,399+14.4%11-16$1,309$89,4003