45 25: #KusursuzCinayet

While the social media phenomena that were awarded at the 9th Social Media Awards ceremony were brutally murdered, evidence after each murder shows that the killer was the next victim. Istanbul Homicide Bureau detectives, who have managed to illuminate hundreds of murders until that day, are faced with a clever killer and a puzzle that seems impossible to solve.


Domestic ()
Summary Details
175 theaters
Release DateSep 6, 2019
Running Time1 hr 30 min
GenresAction Crime
In Release117 days/16 weeks
Widest Release175 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Sep 6-811$14,565-175-$83$14,5651
Sep 13-1528$1,064-92.7%25-150$42$24,9432