Till The End Of The World

The unlikely pairing of a spoiled millionaire venture capitalist scouting for extreme wedding tour locations and a grounded science photographer en route to chronicle the Aurora Australis lights face the ultimate 75 day test for survival and redemption after their twin engine craft crashes during a debilitating snowstorm over the vast desolate nether-regions of Antartica.


Domestic (0.3%)
Summary Details
DistributorChina Lion Film Distribution
See full company information
27 theaters
Running Time1 hr 57 min
GenresAdventure Drama Romance Thriller
In Release333 days/47 weeks
Widest Release27 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Feb 2-838$84,360-27-$3,124$84,3601
Feb 9-1555$33,020-60.9%12-15$2,751$117,3802
Feb 16-22100$1,280-96.1%1-11$1,280$118,6603