Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow

After New York City receives a series of attacks from giant flying robots, a reporter teams up with a pilot in search of their origin, as well as the reason for the disappearances of famous scientists around the world.

Summary Details
87 theaters
Release DateSep 24, 2004
Running Time1 hr 46 min
GenresAction Adventure Mystery Sci-Fi Thriller
In Release99 days/14 weeks
Widest Release87 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Oct 8-1010$18,745-66%76-6$246$252,6623
Oct 1-35$55,108-52.7%82-5$672$208,9542
Sep 24-263$116,609-87-$1,340$116,6091