
Tsuyoshi Matsuoka, a doctor at a Tokyo hospital, misdiagnoses a patient's disease as a common cold. But after the patient's sudden death, he realizes that it's very serious disease, which can make a population extinct, so he struggles to find out the cause of the disease with doctor Eiko Kobayashi.


South Korea
Domestic ()
Summary Details
147 theaters
Release DateFeb 26, 2009
Running Time2 hr 18 min
GenresDrama Sci-Fi Thriller
In Release309 days/44 weeks
Widest Release147 theaters
DateRankWeekend %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeekend
Feb 27-Mar 113$114,193-147-$776$137,5971
Mar 6-824$4,324-96.2%20-127$216$166,7472