On the Way to School

(2015 Re-release)

Jackson, the Kenyan; Carlito, the Argentinian; Zahira, the Moroccan; Samuel, the Indian: four children who live light years away from each other and who have never met but who have a common point: they have to cover tremendously long distances to reach their school. On foot, on horseback or in a wheelchair, but all with an extraordinary determination...


Domestic (1.4%)
Summary Details
DistributorDistrib Films
See full company information
Release DateFeb 6, 2015 - Apr 9, 2015
Running Time1 hr 17 min
In Release329 days/47 weeks
Widest Release2 theaters
DateRankWeekly %± LW TheatersChange AvgTo DateWeek
Feb 6-1292$2,395-1-$2,395$2,3951
Feb 13-1994$2,086-12.9%1-$2,086$4,4812
Feb 20-2691$1,568-24.8%1-$1,568$6,0493
Mar 6-12105$886-2-$443$6,9355
Mar 27-Apr 2104$237-1-$237$7,4248